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Version: 5.2

Reporting Service

The reporting service contains many DTOs which can be used for the preparation of reports.

ReportAuditEntityDto : ReportEntityDto

This class contains some basic audit data for reporting purpose.

GuidCreatedByUnique Id of the user who created the entity
DateTimeCreatedTimeStamp of the entity creation
stringCreatedByUserName of the user who created the entity
GuidLastUpdateByUnique Id of the user who last updated the entity
DateTimeLastUpdateTimeStamp of the entity last update
stringLastUpdateByUserName of the user who last updated the entity


This class contains information about the presence of employees.

DateTimeDateReported date
AttendanceStateAttendanceStateThe attendance state, that can be: // The user is currently in the office Green, // The user make a break Blue, // The user finished work and went home Black, // The user is not at the desk, but because it's not in coverage, we get no further information Gray, // The user did not appear at all, but has a reason for Yellow, // The user did not appear and did not have a reason Red
DateTime?LastLogOnLast logon date and time
DateTime?LastLogOffLast lopon date and time
StringSpecialInformationSpecial information about holiday
ReportUserDtoUserReported User
ReportActiveTimeEntryDtoTimeEntryReported active time entry
ReportDailySummaryDtoDailySummaryReported daily summary


This class contains data about a user action that triggered a data change.

DateTimeTimeTime of the user interaction
DateTimeStartDateStart date of user interactions that affect the data
DateTimeEndDateEnd date of the user interactions that affect the data
UserAccountTypeUserAccountTypeType of the users account, e.g. user account or system account
GuidPrincipalIdUnique id of the user who started the interaction
StringPrincipalNameName of the user who started the interaction
StringIdentityIdUnique id of the user who has been affected by the interaction
StringIdentityNameName of the user who has been affecteded by the interaction
StringTitleTitle of the interaction
StringDescriptionDescription of the interaction
Guid?GroupIdUnique Id that groups combined interactions
StringOriginName of the module in that the interaction started
StringFaultError message, if the interaction failed


This class contains all the data about an object change that has been made.

ModificationObjectModificationType of the object Modification, e.g. new, modify or delete
StringObjectTypeType name of the object that has been changed
GuidObjectIdUnique Id of the object that has been changed
StringObjectDisplayNameDisplay name of the object that has been changed
StringAdditionalInfoAdditional information to an object change


This class contains all the data for a field change that has been made.

ModificationFieldModificationType of the field Modification, e.g. new, modify or delete
StringOldValueThe old technical value
StringNewValueThe new technical value
StringOldDisplayValueThe old display value
StringNewDisplayValueThe new display value
StringPropertyNameThe name of the Property that has been changed
StringFieldDisplayNamethe display name of the property that has been changed
StringTypeNameThe property Type name
boolIsForeignKeyTrue, if the field contains a foreign key id
StringForeignTypeIf IsForeignKey is true, the field contains the name of the foreign type

ReportCustomerDto : ReportAuditEntityDto

This class contains all customer data that is relevant for report generation.

GuidCustomerIdUnique Id of the Customer in TimePunch
StringCustomerNameName of the customer
StringCustomerRefNrRef. No. of the customer
StringWebsiteURL of the customers website
StringContactPersonContact person of the customer
StringContactPersonJobPositionJob that the contact person of the customer owns.
StringEMailAddressEmail Address of the customer
StringPostalAddressPostal address of the customer
StringPhoneNumberPhone number of the customer
StringFaxNumberFax number of the customer
StringMobileNumberMobile number of the customer
StringNotesNotes of the customer
StringVatRegNoVat No. of the customer
ColumnFlagsFor TimeSheetExportColumnFlags[Currently not used] Columns for time sheet export to the customer
StringExportTimeSheet MailTemplate[Currently not used] Mail template for the time sheet export
SyncTimeSheetFlagsSyncSheetFlags[Currently not used] Timesheet syncrhonize options
BoolIsCustomerDeletedTrue, if the customer has been deleted in TimePunch.
StringCustomerCodeBarcode of a customer. Used to identify the customer by its barcode.

ReportDailySummaryDto : ReportAuditEntityDto

This class contains the report data for daily reporting.

ReportSummaryDtoSummaryReference to the monthly summary
ReportWorkdayDtoWorkdayWorkday model for the reported working day.
DateTimeDateReported date
DateTime?LogonTimeEarliest logon at the date
DateTime?LogoffTimeLatest logoff at the date
StringDescriptionDescription text of the reported date
DoubleAbsDailyOvertimeAbsolute daily overtime. This value is always >0 or 0.
DoubleAbsDailyMinustimeAbsolute daily minus time. This value is always >0 or 0.
DoubleDailyEstimatedWorktimeEstimated working time at the given date.
DoubleDailyEstimatedPaidtimeEstimated paid time at the given date.
DoubleDailyOvertimeDaily overtime, this value can also be negative.
DoubleDailyBankHolidayDaily bank holiday hours
DoubleDailyBankHolidayAsDaysDaily bank holiday as part of day
DoubleDailySpecialLeaveDaily special leave hours
DoubleDailySpecialLeaveAsDaysDaily special leave as part of day
DoubleDailyAbsenceDaily absence hours
DoubleDailyAbsenceAsDaysDaily absence as part of day
DoubleCurrentOvertimeCurrent overtime at the given date
DoubleDailySickCompleteDaily sick and sick not paid hours
DoubleDailySickCompleteAsDaysDaily sick and sick not paid as part of day
DoubleDailySickNotPaidDaily sick not paid hours
DoubleDailySickNotPaidAsDaysDaily sick not paid as part of day
DoubleDailySickDaily sick hours
DoubleDailySickAsDaysDaily sick as part of day
DoubleDailyTakenOvertimeDaily taken overtime
DoubleDailyTakenOvertimeAsDaysDaily taken overtime as part of day
DoubleDailyLeaveDaily leave hours
DoubleDailyPaidLeaveDaily paid leave hours, This can vary from the daily leave if the payout gets calculated by the last 13 weeks
DoubleDailyLeaveAsDaysDaily leave as part of day
DoubleDailySpareTimeDaily spare time hours
DoubleDailySpareTimeAsDaysDaily spare time as part of day
DoubleDailyBreaktimeDaily break time hours
TimeEntryTypeDailyUsageAggregated main usage of the day
DateTime?LogonTimeUncutUncutted logon time, even if the cutter did run
DateTime?LogoffTimeUncutUncutted logoff time, even if the cutter did run
DoubleDailyNightSurchargeCoretimeDaily night surcharged core time
DoubleDailyNightSurchargeTimeDaily night surcharged time
DoubleDailySaturdayWorktimeDaily saturday worktime
DoubleDailySundayWorktimeDaily Sunday worktime
DoubleDailyPublicHolidayWorktimeDaily public holiday worktime
DoubleDailySaturdayWorktimeAmDaily worktime at Saturday morning
DoubleDailySaturdayWorktimePmDaily worktime at Saturday afternoon
DoubleDailySurchargedOvertimeDaily surcharged overtime
DoubleDailyOnCallServicetimeDaily on call service time
DoubleDailyOnCallServicetimeAsDaysDaily on call service time as part of day
DoubleDailyPaidSickDaily paid sick time
DoubleDailyPaidBankHolidayDaily paid bank holiday time
DoubleDailyShortTimeWorkDaily short time work hours
DoubleDailyWorktimeOffsetDaily worktime offset
DoubleDailyEstimatedTotalTimeDaily estimated total time
DoubleDailyTotalTimeDaily total time
Double?DailyPaidTimeDaily paid time
DoubleDailyCutTimeDaily cutted time


This class contains the report data for the information form of the General Data Protection Regulation which comes into force on 25.05.2018.

ReportUserDtoUserDefines the user for that the report contains data.
DateTime?FirstEntryDate/Time of the first timeentry of the user
DateTime?LastEntryDate/Time of the last timeentry of the user
DateTime?LockedUpToDate up to when the timeentries has been locked.
DoubleWorkdaysPerWeekCount the workdays per week
DoubleHoursPerWeekAmount of working hours per week
List\<ReportLeadingUserDto>LeadingUsersList of the users who have access to the personal data of the user


This class contains all information about the users who have access to other employees.

GuidUserIdDefines the id of the leading user
StringLogonNameLogon name of the leading user
StringUserNameUser name of the leading user
StringEmailEmail of the leading user
UserRightsRightsUser rights of the leading user
GuidCoveredUserIdUser Id of the user that can be accessed by the leading user
StringCoveredLogonNameLogon name of the user that is covered by the leading user
StringCoveredUserNameUser name of the user that is covered by the leading user
StringCoveredEmailEmail of the user that is covered by the leading user
GuidIdUnique identifier of the object

ReportOrganizationUnitDto : ReportAuditEntityDto

This class contains all information about an organizational unit.

stringOrgaNameName of the Organisation
stringOrgaPhoneNumberPhone number of the Organisation
stringOrgaFaxNumberFax number of the Organisation
stringOrgaMobileNumberMobile number of the Organisation
stringOrgaEmailEmail of the Organisation
stringOrgaPostcodePost code of the Organisation
stringOrgaCityCity of the Organisation
stringOrgaCountryCountry code of the Organisation
stringOrgaStreetStreet name of the Organisation
stringOrgaStreetNumberStreet number of the Organisation
stringOrgaAddressAdditionAddress Addition of the Organisation
stringOrgaCompanyNoCompany number of the Organisation
stringOrgaRoomNoRoom number of the Organisation
stringOrgaPostalAddressPostal address that has been composed of the previous values, when saving the Organisation unit
stringOrgaTaxConsultantNoNumber of the tax consultant, previously stored in the configuration settings
stringOrgaTaxClientNoTax client number of the Organisation, previously stored in the configuration settings

ReportProjectDto : ReportAuditEntityDto

This class contains all project-related data that can be used for reporting.

ReportCustomerDtoCustomerDefines the customer that can be set for project.
Guid?CustomerIdThe Id of the customer or NULL if o customer has been set.
DateTime?ReportingDateThe date where the reporting has been requested.
GuidProjectIdThe id of the project.
GuidParentProjectIdThe id of the parent project.
GuidProjectOwnerIdThe Id of the project owner. The id is always an employee id.
StringProjectOwnerThe user name of the project owner.
StringCurrencyThe currency that has been defined for the project.
DoubleProjectPricePerHourThe price per hour defined for the given project.
DoubleVatThe vat tht is used to calculate the gross amount for the current project.
LongTextColorThe text color that is used to display the time entries that are related to the project.
LongBackgroundColorThe background color that is used to display the time entries that are related to the project.
StringProjectNameThe name of the project
StringProjectDescriptionThe description of the project
ProjectLifeCycleProjectLifeCycleThe current project life cycle of the project (e.g. Planning/Active/Done/Deleted)
BoolIsProjectTimeLimitedTrue, if the project has a fixed ending.
DateTimeStartDateThe first date from that the project can be booked
DateTimeEndDateThe last date until that the project can be booked.
List\<ReportTaskDto>TaskListCollection of project related tasks
ProjectAvailibilityProjectAvailibilityDefines if the project is useable by all, none or only a few AvailableForAll = 0 AvailableForSelected = 1 AvailableForNone = 2
List\<ReportProjectUserDto>UserRelationsCollection of users that are related to the project
Int?ProjectMembersCountNumber of project members. If project is available for all or only admins, then it’s null
Double?ProjectMaxWorkingTimeThe maximum amount of working time that has been defined at the project.
IntRoundPrecisionInMinutesThe rounding in minutes that has been defined in the project data.
RoundingRoundingDefined rounding for the project invoicing. NotRounded = 0 Rounded = 1 RoundUp = 2 RoundDown = 3
DoubleYellowTrafficLightThe percentage of worktime to available work where the project will turn yellow
DoubleRedTrafficLightThe percentage of worktime to available work where the project will turn red
Double?ProjectChargingJourneyTimeThe percentage of driving time that is calculated as working time.
ProjectStateManualProjectStateThe manual project state Calculated = 0 Green = 1 Yellow = 2 Red = 3
StringProjectStateDescriptionThe description that explains the current project state, if the project state has been set manually
BoolDontInheritCommonTasksTrue, if the project does not inherit common tasks, e.g. does not show it.
BoolIsOrderBasedTrue, if the project is order based and offers special input fields for that.
StringAccountThe internal account that can be used for worktime accumulation.
StringCostCenterThe cost center for the project that can be used for export tasks.
OrderTypeOrderTypeA business driven order type. Undefined = 0 PrivateSector = 1 PublicService = 2 SupplyOfTemporaryWorkers = 3 ServiceContract = 4 ContractToProduceAWork = 5
StringContractIdThe project based contract id
StringPlaceOfServiceProvisionAddress where the service will be provided.
BoolIsProjectTimeSetTrue, if the project has a defined amount of work
DoubleSharedPoolDefined working time for the shared pool
DoublePrivatePoolDefined working time for the private pools
DoubleScheduledWorkScheduled work of the project.
DoubleHoursWorkedHours that have already been worked at the project.
DoubleAvailableWorkAvailable hours that can be booked.
StringFurtherAccountingDetailsUser specific data used to concrete the project accounting
StringProjectCodeBarcode of a project. Used to identify a project by its barcode.


This class contains additional information about the project in connection with the employee and the planned, completed and open project budget.

ReportUserDtoUserTimePunch related user data
ReportProjectUserDtoProjectUserProject related user data
ReportProjectDtoProjectProject data
DoubleScheduledWorkScheduled work for the user and project
StringPoolTypeType of the project pool S Shared pool P Private pool
Date?DateReference data for that the evaluated times are valid.
DoubleHoursWorkedAlready worked hours by user for the project
DoubleAvailableWorkAvailable hours that can be allocated by the user for the project.

ReportProjectUserDto : ReportAuditEntityDto

This class contains specific information about an employee in connection with a project.

GuidUserProjectIdProject Id
GuidProjectUserIdUser Id
Bool?IsAllowedToUseProjectTrue, if the user is allowed to book the project
Double?UserPricePerHourPrice per hours that is defined for the user within the given project. Null, if no special price has been set.
Double?UserMaxWorkingTimeMax working time that is defined for the user within the given project. Null, if no max working time has been set.
Guid?UserCustomerIdCustomer Id that is defined for the user within the given project. Null, if no special customer id has been set.
Double?UserChargingJourneyTimePercentage of charged journey time for the user within the given project. Null, if no special charging has been set.

ReportSalaryExportDto : ReportAuditEntityDto

This class contains the fields that contain the wage types for the bonus types, the times set for the night bonus, and so on.

double?NightShiftStartTimeIf not null, the start time of the night shift
double?NightShiftEndTime1If not null, the end time of the core night shift
double?NightShiftEndTime2If not null, the end time of the extended night shift.
double?SaturdaySplitTimeIf not null, the time that splits the Saturday morning from the Saturday afternoon
StringFixedSalaryTypeNoType no of the fixed salary
StringTemporaryHourlyWageTypeNoType no of a temporary worker
StringHourlyWageTypeNoType no of a regular wage worker
StringSicknessTypeNoType no of a continued sick payment
StringLeaveTypNoType no of a continued leave payment
StringSpecialLeaveTypeNoType no of a special leave payment
StringPaidOvertimeTypeNoType no of a paid overtime
StringOfficialBankHolidayTypeNoType no of a continued bank holiday payment
StringSaturdayWorkAmTypeNoType no of a Saturday morning work
StringSaturdayWorkPmTypeNoType no of a Saturday afternoon work
StringSundayWorkTypeNoType no of a Sunday work type no
StringNightShiftTypeNoType no of the etendend night shift
StringNightShiftCoreTypeNoType no of the night shift core time
StringOvertimeTypeNoType no of the surcharged overtime
StringOnCallServiceTypeNoType no of the on call service payment
StringShortTimeWorkTypeNoType no of the short time work payment
StringSicknessNotPaidTypeNoType no of the sickness that is not paid
StringStatisticLeaveAsDaysTypeNoType no of the taken leave days
StringStatisticSickAsDaysTypeNoType no of the sick days
StringStatisticRemainingLeaveAsDaysTypeNoType no of the remaining leave days
StringStatisticWorkAccountTypeNoType no of the working account


This class contains all the important data for monthly reporting.

ReportYearlySummaryDtoYearlySummaryYearly summary data
ReportWorkModelDtoWorkModelActive Workmodel for the given reporting date.
IntMonthNumber of the reported month (e.g. 1-12)
DoubleEstimatedWorkdaysPerMonthAmount of estimated workdays per month
DoubleEstimatedWorktimePerMonthEstimated worktime per month.
DoubleEstimatedPaidtimePerMonthEstimated paid time per month.
DoubleEstimatedWorktimePerMonth RegularEstimated worktime per month, if the current workmodel is defined as short time work.
DoubleOvertimeOvertime in the given month.
DoubleCalculatedOvertimeCalculated overtime for the given month. The calculated overtime is the total overtime before the overtime cut.
DoubleBreaktimeAmount of breaktime in month.
DoubleDrivetimeAmount of drivetime in month.
DoubleSparetimeAmount of sparetime in month.
DoubleWorktimeAmount of worktime in month.
DoubleTakenOvertimeAmount of taken overtime in month.
DoubleLeaveAmount of leave in month.
DoublePaidLeaveAmount of paid leave hours in month. This can vary from the leave, if the paid leave gets calculated by the average of the last 13 weeks.
DoubleLeaveAsDaysAmount of leave days in month.
DoubleSickCompleteAmount of sick hours and sick not paid hours in month.
DoubleSickCompleteAsDaysAmount of sick days and sick not paid days a month.
DoubleSickAmount of sick time in month.
DoubleSickAsDaysAmount of sick days in month.
DoubleSickNotPaidAmount of sick not paid hours in month.
DoubleSickNotPaidAsDaysAmount of sick not paid as days in month.
DoubleTotalOvertimeTotal overtime in month.
BoolLockedTrue, if the month-end closing has been done.
DateTimeDateThe first date in month.
OvertimeCutModeOvertimeCutModeDefines when the overtime gets cutted, e.g on monthly basis or at all (cumulative)
BoolIsPaidOvertimeCalculatedTrue, if the paid overtime gets automatically calculated.
DoublePaidOvertimeAmount of paid overtime in month.
DoubleDecreasePaidTimeAmount of hours that will decrease the payout to the user.
DoubleMissingHourCompensationAmount of working time that gets added to the monthly working time.
GuidRegionIdSelected region in the current month.
GuidCountryIdSelected country in the current month.
DoubleMaximumOvertimeThe maximum overtime in the curren month.
DoubleOvertimeStartsAtDefault value above the additional working time gets counted as overtime.
BoolExceptionForMinusWorkingTimeAccountDefines, if there is an exception for minus working account (eg. User has negative working account)
WorkContractWorkContractThe work contract of the user Employee = 0 Freelancer = 1 Wageworker = 2 Shiftworker = 3
Double?PaidTimeAmount of paid time in month
DoubleUnpaidTimeAmount of unpaid time in month
DoubleBankHolidayAmount of bank holiday in the current month.
DoubleBankHolidayAsDaysTime at bank holidays per month. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day
StringCountryNameName of the country
StringRegionNameName of the region
DoublePreviousMonthOvertimeAmount of overtime from the previous month.
DoubleSpecialLeaveAmount of special leave in month
DoubleSpecialLeaveAsDaysAmount of special leave as days in month
DoublePaidSickPaid sick time, that can differ from real sick time (13 weeks average)
DoublePaidBankHolidayPaid bank holiday time, that can differ from real bank holiday time (13 weeks average)
DoubleShortTimeWorkNumber of short-time work hours in month
DoubleWorktimeOffsetAmount of cummulated work time offsets
DoubleEstimatedTotalTimePerMonthEstimated total time in month
DoubleTotalTimeTotal time in month
DoubleNightSurchargeCoreTimeAmount of night surcharged core time in month
DoubleNightSurchargeTimeAmount of night surcharged time in month
DoubleNightSurchargeTimeCompleteAmount of night surcharged complete time in month = core + non core
DoubleSaturdayWorkTimeAmount of saturday worktime in month = Am + Pm
DoubleSundayWorkTimeAmount of sunday worktime in month
DoublePublicHolidayWorkTimeAmount of public holiday worktime in month
DoubleSaturdayWorkTimeAmAmount of saturday worktime AM
DoubleSaturdayWorkTimePmAmount of saturday worktime PM
DoubleCutTimeAmount of cutted time

ReportTaskDto : ReportAuditEntityDto

This class contains all the data for an task.

GuidTaskIdUnique Id of the task
StringTaskNameIdBusiness driven Id of the task
StringTaskDescriptionDescription of the task
BoolIsTaskDeletedTrue, if the task has been deleted.
TimeEntryTypeUsageThe usage or booking type of the task.
DoubleCostFactorThe costfactor that is provided to calculate the project invoice.
StringTaskCodeBarcode of the task. Used to identify the task by a barcode scanner.
DoubleWorktimeFactorThe worktime factor defines which part of duration will be added to the worktime.
StringWorkTypeNoBooking account type no. that overrides the default type no. for the work
StringOtherTypeNoBooking account type no that overrides the default type no. for special times (e.g. on call service)
TimeRestrictionWorkTimeRestrictionThis field can be set to NoRestriction, TargetTime or SelfDefined
double?MaxTaskWorkingTimePerDayIf the time restriction is set to self defined, this field defines the max. working time per day that is allowed for booking.

ReportTimeEntryDto : ReportAuditEntityDto

This class contains all the time entry data for report creation.

ReportCustomerDtoCustomerCustomer details set to the time entry
ReportProjectDtoProjectProject details for the time entry
ReportTaskDtoTaskTask details for the time entry
ReportProjectUserDtoProjectUserProject and user related data
ReportUserDtoUserUser related data
ReportWorkdayDtoWorkdayInformation about the workday
DoublePaidWorktTime100Defines the worktime that the user gets paid
DoubleNetAmountDefines the net amount the user can invoice
DoubleGrossAmountDefines the gross amount the user can invoice
DoublePricePerHourDefines the price per hour the user can invoice
DoubleCalculatedPricePerHourDefines the calculated price per hour, which is the PricePerHour multiplied by the cost factor of the task
Double?ChargingJourneyTimeThe percentage of charged journey time. The result will be displayed as work time.
Double?MaxWorkingTimeThe maximum working time the user can book
BoolIsBankHolidayInheritedTrue, if the referenced data is a public holiday
BoolIsNonRegularWorkdayTrue, if the user does not work regulary at this day (e.g. Sunday)
StringBankHolidayName of the bank holiday, if the IsBankHolidayInherited value is true
DoubleNightSurcharge Coretime100Number of hours that is within the night surcharge core time
DoubleNightSurcharge Time100Number of hours that is within the night surcharge time
DoubleNightSurcharge TimeCompete100Amount of the night surcharge core time and the night surcharge time
DoubleSaturday Worktime100Amount of Saturday work time
DoubleSunday Worktime100Amount of Sunday work time
DoublePublicHoliday Worktime100Amount of public holiday work time
GuidProjectIdId of the related project
GuidTaskIdId of the related task
GuidProjectUserIdId of the related project user
DateTimeLogonTimeStart time of the time entry
DateTimeLogoffTimeEnd time of the time entry
BoolIsPaidFlag that defines if the time entry has been paid
TimeEntryTypeUsageUsage or booking type of the time entry
DoubleBreakTime100Amount of booked break time
StringDescriptionDescription of the time entry
Guid?ProjectCustomerIdId of the cusomter defined by the project
GuidTimeEntryIdId of the time entry
DoubleWorktime100Amount of worktime
BoolIsImportantFlag that defines if the time entry is important.
BoolIsOnSiteFlag that defines if the time entry is onsite.
BoolIsDataPreviewFlag that defines if the time entry is a data preview entry
DoubleLeaveAsDaysAmount of leave days
DoubleLeave100Amount of leave hours
DoubleSickAsDaysAmount of sick time as days
DoubleSick100Amount of sick time as hours
DoubleSickNotPaidAsDaysAmount of sick time not paid as days
DoubleSickNotPaid100Amount of sick time not paid as hours
DoubleDrivingTimeAsDaysAmount of driving time as days
DoubleDrivingTime100Amount of driving time as hours
DoubleTakenOvertimeAsDaysAmount of taken overtime as days
DoubleTakenOvertime100Amount of taken overtime as hours
IntDaysAmount of days the time entry spans
BoolIsVirtualTrue, if the time entry is only virtual – means calculated and not manually booked by the user
DoubleDuration100The duration of the time span
DoubleDurationAsDayThe duration of the time span in fraction of the day
DoubleOnCallService100Amount of on call service time as hours
DoubleOnCallServiceAsDaysAmount of on call service time as days
StringLogonOriginDefines the system with that the user logged in to TimePunch
StringLogoffOriginDefines the system with that the user logged of from TimePunch
Double?LogonLatitudeGPS Latitude of the Logon
Double?LogonLongitudeGPS Longitude of the Logon
Double?LogonGeoAccuracyGPS Accuracy in meters
StringLogonGeoAddressGPS Logon Address
Double?LogoffLatitudeGPS Latitude of the Logoff
Double?LogoffLongitudeGPS Longitude of the Logoff
Double?LogoffGeoAccuracyGPS Accuracy in meters
StringLogoffGeoAddressGPS Logoff Address
DoubleCutTime100The cutted time of the time entry

ReportUserGroupDto : ReportOrganizationUnitDto

This class contains all data of a user group (team, department, branch)

StringGroupNameName of the group
GroupTypeGroupTypeType of the group, e.g. Team, Department, Branch
StringGroupLeaderNme of the group leader
GuidGroupLeaderIdUser id of the group leader
boolHasOwnTaxDataTrue, if the user group has it's own tax data
Guid?ParentUserGroupIdId of the parent user group, or null if the parent is the headquarter
stringParentUserGroupNameName of the parent user group


This class contains all user-specific data for reporting.

GuidUserIdUnique Id of the TimePunch Profile
StringLogonNameUnique Logon name of the TimePunch Profile
StringUserNameUser name of the TimePunch Profile
StringPersonnelNumberGiven personnel number.
StringUserCodeBarcode of the staff member. Used to identify a user by its barcode.
DoubleDefaultOvertimeStartsAtDefault value above the additional working time gets counted as overtime.
LeaveCarryForwardDefaultLeaveCarryForwardValue that defines when the new leave shall be added to the staff member. Allowed values are BeginOfJanuary through BeginOfDecember.
LeaveExpirationDefaultLeaveExpirationDefines when the leave of the previous year will expire. Allowed values are Instantly, Never and EndOfJanuary through EndOfDecember.
UserRightsRightsThe current user profile rights (e.g. None, View, Edit, Full, Human Resource or Admin)
OvertimeCutModeDefaultOvertimeCutModeDefines if the overtime shall be cut. Possible values are None, Monthly or Cumulative
BoolDefaultIsPaidOvertimeCalculatedTrue, if the overtime gets automatically paid.
DateTimeDefaultBeginOfWorkThe default time, when the user starts working. This can be overwritten by any working time model.
WorkContractDefaultWorkContractWork contract that is set for the user in the profile.
DoublePreviousOvertimeThe overtime with that TimePunch starts the overtime calculation at beginning of the first month.
DoublePreviousSickdaysThe amount of sick days with that TimePunch starts the sick day counter at the beginning of the first month.
StringSaveAsNameThe user name of the TimePunch Profile if set, or the logon name.
DoubleDefaultChargingJourneyTimeDefines how many percentage of the driving time will be booked as working time.
GuidDefaultRegionIdThe default region id, if no other has been defined.
GuidDefaultCountryIdThe default country id, if no other has been defined.
DoubleDefaultAnnualVacationDefault value of the annual vacation.
LeaveCalculationDefaultLeaveCalculationDefines the default, if user leave is based per hours or per days. Days = 0 Hours = 1
DoubleDefaultLeavePerDayAmount of hours for a leave day
Double?DefaultPaidTimeThe time that the user gets paid per default.
DoubleDefaultMaximumOvertimeDefault value of the maxium overtime settings for the profile.
LeaveSettingLeaveSettingDefines how the leave offset shall be used for calculation. TakeAsOffset => In the first year, the user has extra holiday available, because he/she carry it forward from the previous time recording. TakeAsStatic => In the first year, the user does not own the complete holidays, but the one he entered
LeaveCalculationDefaultPreviousLeaveCalculationDefines the default for the previous or initial leave calculation. The previous leave can be based on hours or days.
DoubleDefaultPreviousLeavePerDayThe amount of hours that have been previously set as default to define the length of a leave day. The value is hourly based and only used if the previous holiday is defined per hours.
Double?DefaultRemainingLeaveThe leave that will be used instead of the yearly holidays. Only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsStatic. The value is hourly based and NULL, if the leave is counted in days.
DoubleDefaultRemainingLeaveAsDaysThe leave that will be used instead of the yearly holidays. Only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsStatic.
Double?DefaultAdditionalLeaveLeave that will be added to the annual leave in the first year. Only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsOffset. The value is hourly based and NULL, if the leave is counted in days.
DoubleDefaultAdditionalLeaveAsDaysLeave that will be added to the annual leave in the first year. Only used when LeaveSetting is set to TakeAsOffset.
DateTimeLastSyncTimeTimestamp when the user has been synced time entries.
UserAccountTypeUserAccountTypeType of the TimePunch Profile Account (UserAccount, TechnicalAccount)
StringEmailEmail Address of the user
BoolIsUserInCoverageTrue, if the user gets covered by the Authenticated Identity Profile.
StringTimeZoneTime Zone Information for the user.
StringTeamInformation about the team to that the user belongs
StringDepartmentInformation about the department to that the user belongs
StringBranchInformation about the branch to that the suer belongs.
StringBirthnameName at birth of the user
StringPrivatePostalAddressPostal address of the user
DateTime?BirthdayBirthday of the user
StringBirthplacePlace where the user has been born
StringNationalityNationality of the user
DateTime?DateOfJoiningDate where the user joined the company
StringInsurancePolicyNumberNumber of the insurance policy of ther user
BoolIsMainJobTrue, if the current job is the main job of the user.
BoolHasOtherJobsTrue, if the user has other jobs beside the current one.
StringJobDescriptionDescription of the current job the user is employed for.
BoolIsRelatedToEmployerTrue, if the user has a relation to the employer (e.g. brother etc)
BoolIsFreedFromPensionInsuranceTrue, if the user is freed from pension insurance
StringBankingInstitutName of the banking institute for the wage payment or salary
StringInternationalBankAccountNumberIBAN Number to pay the wage or salary
StringBankIdentifierCodeBank identifier code
DoubleHourlyWageHourly wage that the user gets paid.
DoubleSalaryMonthly salary the user gets paid.
DateTime?DateOfLeavingDate where the user left the company.
StringMd5PassHashMD5 Password hash
StringSha256PassHashSHA 256 Password hash
StringPasswordSaltPassword salt value
GenderUserGenderGender of the staff member
StringUserFirstNameFirst name of the staff member
StringUserPrefixPrefix of the staff members name
StringUserLastNameLast name of the staff member
StringUserSuffixSuffix of the staff members name
StringUserTitleTitle of the staff member
StringUserPhoneNumberPhone number of the staff member
StringUserFaxNumberFax number of the staff member
StringUserMobileNumberMobile number of the staff member
StringUserRoomNumberRoom number of the staff member
StringUserPostcodePostcode of the staff member
StringUserCityCity of the staff member
StringUserCountryCountry Name of the staff member
StringUserStreetStreet name of the staff member
StringUserStreetNumberStreet number of the staff members street
StringUserAddressAdditionAddress adition of the staff members postal address
HealthInsuranceTypeHealthInsuranceTypeType of the health insurance, e.g. National health insurance
StringHealthInsuranceIdTechnical id of the choosen health insurance
StringHealthInsuranceNameName of the choosen health insurance
StringHealthInsurancePolicyNumberPolicy number of the staff members health insurance
StringRegisteredInCountryCode of the country where the user has his health insurance


This class defines the working time model for a single working day.

BoolHasToWorkTrue, if the user has commonly to work the day.
DoubleWorkmodelDefinedWorkTimeThe amount of worktime that is defined for the day.
DoubleWorkmodelDefinedPaidTimeThe amount of paid time that is defined for the day.
DateTimeBeginOfWorkThe planned begin of the workday
DateTimeEndOfWorkThe planned end of the workday
DoubleWorkmodelDefinedBreakTimeThe breaktime that has been defined for the workday.
DoubleEstimatedWorktimeThe estimated worktime of the workday (public holidays will be evaluated too)
DoubleEstimatedPaidtimeThe estimated paidtime of the workday (public holidays will be evaluated too)
DoubleEstimatedFractionOfDayThe estimated fraction of the workday (public holidays will be evaluated too).
BoolIsShortTimeWorkTodayTrue, if the current workday is defined as a short time work
BoolHasToWorkRegularTrue, if the user must work regular on that day, in case of a short time work.
DoubleWorkmodelDefinedWorkTimeRegularThe amount of worktime that is defined for the day, in case of a short time work.
DoubleWorkmodelDefinedPaidTimeRegularThe amount of paid time that is defined for the day, in case of a short time work.
DateTimeBeginOfWorkRegularThe planned begin of the workday, in case of a short time work.
DateTimeEndOfWorkRegularThe planned end of the workday, in case of a short time work.
BoolIsBreakDefinedRegularTrue, if a break has been defined for the workday, in case of a short time work.
DoubleWorkmodelDefinedBreakTimeRegularThe breaktime that has been defined for the workday, in case of a short time work.
DoubleForceBreakAboveRegularThe amount of work aboe that the break is mandatory, in case of a short time work.
DoubleEstimatedDurationRegularThe estimated duration of the workday (public holidays will be evaluated too), in case of a short time work.
DoubleEstimatedWorktimeRegularThe estimated worktime of the workday (public holidays will be evaluated too), in case of a short time work.
DoubleEstimatedPaidtimeRegularThe estimated paidtime of the workday (public holidays will be evaluated too), in case of a short time work.
DoubleEstimatedBreaktimeRegularThe estimated breaktime of the workday (public holidays will be evaluated too), in case of a short time work.
DoubleEstimatedFractionOfDayRegularThe estimated fraction of the workday (public holidays will be evaluated too), in case of a short time work.

IMPORTANT: The Estimated… Properties will evaluate the public holidays, which is the main difference to the other fields.


This class contains all the user-specific data of a working time model for reporting.

StringDisplayNameDisplayname of the work model.
DateTimeValidSinceDate starting from that the work model is used.
DoubleWorkdaysPerWeekAmount of workdays per week.
DoubleHoursPerWeekNumber of working hours per week.
BoolSundayHasToWorkTrue, if Sunday is a regular working day.
DoubleSundayEstimatedWorkTimeEstimated working time on Sunday.
BoolMondayHasToWorkTrue, if Monday is a regular working day.
DoubleMondayEstimatedWorkTimeEstimated working time on Monday.
BoolTuesdayHasToWorkTrue, if Tuesday is a regular working day.
DoubleTuesdayEstimatedWorkTimeEstimated working time on Tuesday.
BoolWednesdayHasToWorkTrue, if Wednesday is a regular working day.
DoubleWednesdayEstimatedWorkTimeEstimated working time on Wednesday.
BoolThursdayHasToWorkTrue, if Thursday is a regular working day.
DoubleThursdayEstimatedWorkTimeEstimated working time on Thursday.
BoolFridayHasToWorkTrue, if Friday is a regular working day.
DoubleFridayEstimatedWorkTimeEstimated working time on Friday.
BoolSaturdayHasToWorkTrue, if Saturday is a regular working day.
DoubleSaturdayEstimatedWorkTimeEstimated working time on Saturday.
BoolIsShortTimeWorkTrue, if the day is defined as a short time work model
DoubleWorkdaysPerWeekRegularThe regular workdays per week if the current work model is short time work.
DoubleHoursPerWeekRegularThe regular hours per week if the current work model is short time work.

ReportYearlySummaryDto : ReportAuditEntityDto

This class contains all the data that is important for annual leave and reporting.

IntYearCurrent year. E.g 2015
LeaveCarryForwardLeaveCarryForwardDefines the month, when the remaining leave will carried forward to the next year.
LeaveExpirationLeaveExpirationDefines the month, when the previous leave will expire in the current calculation period.
DateTimeStartOfYearlySummaryDate when the calculation of the new year starts.
DateTimeEndOfYearlySummaryDate when the calculation of the year ends
DateTimeLeaveExpirationDateDate when the previous leave expires.
Double?AdditionalLeaveAmount of additional leave hours from the previous year.
DoubleAdditionalLeaveAsDaysAmount of additional leave days from the previous year.
LeaveCalculationLeaveCalculationDefines if the leave calculation is based on days or hours.
Double?AnnualLeaveAmount of annual leave hours.
DoubleAnnualLeaveAsDaysAmount of annual leave days
DoubleLeavePerDayAmount of hours that are calculated for one leave day.
DoubleLeaveInYearTaken leave hours in the current year.
DoubleLeaveAsDaysInYearTaken leave days in the current year.
DoubleLeaveInYearUntilExpirationTaken leave hours until the old leave expires.
DoubleLeaveAsDaysInYearUntilExpirationTaken leave days until the old leave expires.
DoubleLeaveInYearNewPeriodTaken leave hours in the new leave period of the current year.
DoubleLeaveAsDaysInYearNewPeriodTaken leave days in the new leave period of the current year.
DoubleSickAsDaysInYearAmount of sick days in year
DoubleSickNotPaidAsDaysInYearAmount of sick days that are not paid in the current year.
DoubleSickCompleteAsDaysInYearAmount of sick days and sick days not paid in year.
Double?RemainingLeaveUntilExpirationRemaining leave as hours until the old leave expires. NULL, if the leave is counted in days.
DoubleRemainingLeaveAsDaysUntilExpirationRemaining leave as days until the old leave expires.
Double?RemainingLeaveNewPeriodRemaining leave as hours in the new period. NULL, if the leave is counted in days.
DoubleRemainingLeaveAsDaysNewPeriodRemaining leave as days in the new period.